Precious Metals Price Update Dec 27, 2023 at 05:01:40 AM UTC - Gold Spot $$2,065.42, Silver Spot $$24.24

Executive Coins |

πŸ“’ Here's the latest from Executive Coins! πŸš€ As of 2023-12-26 22:01:40 MST, the spot prices for precious metals are: ⏩ Gold: $2065.42 ⏩ Silver: $24.24 ⏩ Platinum: $985.55 ⏩ Palladium: $1185.50 ⏩ Rhodium: $4425.00 ⏩ Copper: $0.245 Even while the Boxing Day festivities wind down, we've got you covered with the latest precious metals market updates. Follow our blog and social media channels for everyday updates. Stay on top of the curve with Executive Coins! πŸ’ΌπŸ“ˆ #SpotPriceUpdate #ExecutiveCoins #BoxingDay